Service Level Agreement

Date of last revision: 15 July 2024


Four Pees (the "Provider") has developed a 'software-as-a-service' platform (as defined hereafter), Atomyx or Platform.

The Customer wishes to make use of the Platform subject to its General Terms and Conditions.

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the service levels for response and resolution times for support requests made by customers of the Platform. This SLA forms part of the agreement between the customer ("Customer") and the Service Provider.

The services provided by Four Pees under the agreement constitute a best-endeavours obligation towards the Customer. Four Pees undertakes to fulfil its obligations and performances according to the agreement and its annexes to the best of its ability, according to best practice in the provision of software development and related services.


Provider: the company offering Services on the Platform.

Platform: the Atomyx Platform operated by the Provider.

Service: The specific application running on the Platform provided.

Downtime: The total accumulated minutes during which the Service is unavailable or significantly impaired, excluding Scheduled Maintenance.

Scheduled Maintenance: Maintenance periods during which the Service may be unavailable, which are communicated to the Customer in advance.

Uptime: The total time in a calendar month that the Service is available.

Support Request: Any request for technical assistance or service support raised by the Customer.

Response Time: The time elapsed between the submission of a Support Request and the first response by the Service Provider.

Resolution Time: The time elapsed between the submission of a Support Request and the full resolution of the issue.

Support Tiers

Support requests are categorized into three priority levels:

  • Priority 1 (P1) - Critical: Complete service outage or critical functionality failure impacting all users.
  • Priority 2 (P2) - High: Major service impact, significant functionality impaired, but the service is still operational.
  • Priority 3 (P3) - Normal: Minor issues, general questions, or feature requests.

Response and Resolution Times

Resolve times

Four Pees will try to solve problems as soon as possible, however Four Pees is not able to provide guaranteed failure resolution times because the nature and causes of problems can be very complex.

The time it takes to resolve the issue may depend on the response of third-party vendors or external application developers.

The time indicated in the Table is not a guarantee that the problem will be eliminated and should be understood as a goal that Four Pees strives to achieve when taking action.

Four Pees can estimate the time and type of the problem after the initial analysis of the problem, it should do this initial analysis within 2 hours of working on the problem for the severity level S1 and S2.

In all cases Four Pees will do its best to resolve issues as soon as possible.

Response times

When the Customer raises a support issue with the Platform, Four Pees promises to respond in a timely fashion according to the Severity Table.

The response time measures how long it takes Four Pees to respond to a support request raised via the online support system. ?

Severity Table

Priority Level

Response Time

Resolution Time

P1 - Critical

Within 1 hour (24/7)

Within 4 hours

P2 - High

Within 4 business hours

Within 1 business day

P3 - Normal

Within 1 business day

Within 5 business days

Note: Business hours are defined as Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Provider's local time), excluding public holidays.


The Service Provider is not responsible for failures to meet the SLA resulting from:

  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Force majeure events (natural disasters, war, acts of terrorism, etc.)
  • Customer's equipment, software, or other technology.
  • Customer's actions or inactions
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) issues outside the Service Provider's control
  • Third-party integrations or applications not managed by the Service Provider

Service Availability

The Provider will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Service is available 99.9% of the time in any given calendar month, excluding Scheduled Maintenance.

Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance will be performed outside of peak usage hours and the Provider will give at least 48 hours' notice to the Customer. Scheduled Maintenance periods will not exceed 4 hours per month.

Term and Termination

This SLA remains in effect as long as the Customer has an active subscription to the Platform. The Provider reserves the right to modify the terms of this SLA upon 30 days' notice.

Contact Information

For SLA-related inquiries or support, please contact:

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